I am a person that is huge into metaphors and symbolism. They have always helped me in times of crisis. Over the last several years however this big part of how I heal myself has been stifled. But now I am heading back to the person I really am. So recently I was drawn back to the inspiration of my safe place...metaphors. Allow me to explain...I jus recently ended a very serious long term relationship that was full of life changing situations and emotions. So for the first time in a very long time, I was jus looking to go out and have some fun. But as we all know, life usually has other plans for us. As they say "We plan and God laughs." It is even written in song, "If you wanna hear God laugh, tell him your plans." So, unlike what I had planned for myself, life brought me a new relationship a few months ago. It happened alot faster than I had ever planned...I guess I should have expected it though...All of the most memorable relationships in my life have fallen in my lap when I was NOT on the lookout for them. This time around I decided that I was going to try something new. I did something very uncharacteristic for me. I gave up control (which those of you that know me, know is the hardest thing EVER) and just went with it. I chose to let life just...well...happen. And it has been an AMAZING experience thus far. My new beau and I have a spectacular time together. He enriches my life in ways I never thought anyone could. He and I communicate on a deeper level than most other people I have ever met. One of our first conversations drifted to the fact that I was so fresh out of a long term relationship, and if my heart was ready and open to love again. We talk about the past alot because both he and I have been hurt and in turn have " Emotional Baggage." But I made a very personal choice after my last relationship came to an end. I made a conscious decision to not allow my past to dictate how my future would play out. I think I have done a pretty good job of treating this relationship as a brand new experience, and not bringing my "Emotional Baggage" with me.
And now for the metaphor...I have always been fond of the comparison of all the hurt and pain in your past and the scars it has left as "Emotional Baggage." It makes me think of airports and baggage claim.
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