Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Boo Me...Bad Bad Superhero...

Ok, string me up, take away my my blog, and smack my lack of blogging hands. I am the worst blog mommy ever!!! I know I know...But I swear I've had quite a few life altering changes happening in my life...I promise that I will be back to my old blog happy self in no time. So until then, here is a lil taste of what I've been up to...
I'm building a new in home photo studio, because I am moving!!!

Shooting newborns is always on my list!

Here he is with his awesome kids!

I met an amazing guy! So we are building a life/family together!

I had an amazing opportunity to shoot for my oldest brother and his growing family! Photography is a HUGE part of my life!

My photography is taking on new forms and I am loving every second of it!

I also got to spend a few days a week with this sweet lil angel! I am blessed to have the opportunity to babysit while the nephews are infants!

Tattoos have taken place this summer too!!! It was amazing!

An end and a rebirth to a better life!

And of course my life would not be complete without time with my bestie!!!

I'm revamping my branding and taking my art to a whole new place!!!
So as you can see from this small sampling of the tons a things my life has been filled with, I am not jus a lazy blog ignoring bum. I will be blogging a lot more now that I have a stable internet connection and my life is becoming a bit more chill! Stay tuned y'all!

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