Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Me...-That's What We All Say Right?! But I Mean It!

     I want to hit the ground running for 2015, so I'm starting my blog resurrection 2 days early! I decided that I am going to write any time I am inspired, or just need to get my thoughts out there. Well today I was inspired. I want to try to be more positive in my life. I hear and see myself having a bad attitude and losing my filter on the things I say. I want to change that. I plan on thinking before I say and do things. When someone's attitude changes for the better and things don't stress a person out so easily their life will change drastically for the better. They say you can't change others or their behavior, you can only change yours and how you react to situations. I want to greet the world with a glass half full approach from now on. I want to harness the power of positive thinking.

I will definitely still rant form time to time, Don't worry!


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