Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year, New Me...-That's What We All Say Right?! But I Mean It!

     I want to hit the ground running for 2015, so I'm starting my blog resurrection 2 days early! I decided that I am going to write any time I am inspired, or just need to get my thoughts out there. Well today I was inspired. I want to try to be more positive in my life. I hear and see myself having a bad attitude and losing my filter on the things I say. I want to change that. I plan on thinking before I say and do things. When someone's attitude changes for the better and things don't stress a person out so easily their life will change drastically for the better. They say you can't change others or their behavior, you can only change yours and how you react to situations. I want to greet the world with a glass half full approach from now on. I want to harness the power of positive thinking.

I will definitely still rant form time to time, Don't worry!


2015 Bucket List

Well folks, I was a miserable failure last year with my bucket list. So I am once again at year's end and I am looking forward to 2015.

"I never make New Year's Resolutions. I do however make a bucket list of things I would like to accomplish or change about myself and my life. I try really hard in my life to better myself and to always learn and grow."-Written by me last year but it fits this year again. I will be adding to this list as I am inspired. I have kept some of the same goals, given up on some in order to add a few more. Stay tuned and watch my year unfold!

So here it is:

1. No call in at work for 6 months.

2. I really want to turn blogging into a weekly occurrence. So I plan to start using this blog to share the everyday musings and commentary I have on life.

3. Bi-Monthly manicures, with blog posts/pictures.

4. Every 3-4 months I would like to do individual girls nights with Both my SILs, my mommy, Steph.

5.Try a new hair style and different theatrical make-up attempt once a week with a blog/pictures.

6. Visit somewhere I've never been every 3-4 months.

7. Read a new book every month.

8. Learn at least 3 new skills ie sewing, painting etc.

9. Work 1 extra shift/month.

10. Decorate for every holiday.

Virtual Courage

I was just involved in the all too familiar Facebook argument. So I decided to resort back to the place I feel like I am me and can just write about anything I want without interruption. So here it is folks...My first post since January. I feel the need to "Rant" if you will (as the title of my beloved blog states) about an issue I'm sure none of the creators and inventors of social media and smart phone/technology could have foreseen. I must first point out that my smart phone is one of my treasured possessions. Without it and the technology behind it and social media I would never be able to stay in touch with so many people I care about. But with that being said, I must point out some of the negative developments brought on by all this technology. As I troll FB and Instagram and all the other forums there are it seems to be overrun with people that run their mouths and spew nonsense just because all of a sudden in the last 10 years there has been an explosion of platforms giving them the ability and ease of which to talk shit with no repercussions. Allow me to elaborate. I notice more and more how people seem to have this NO FEAR mentality as they hide behind their computer or smart phone screens and privacy settings. Some individuals type anything and everything including all the shit they would never say in person. People have developed courage to boldly and often times recklessly run their mouths. It disgusts me that so many low-lifes think it is ok to be vicious and hateful and find solace in the lack of actual instead of virtual consequences. So from now on I am a mere audience member to the shit show that is social media drama.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Oh The Life Of A Crawford Mommy

I have the greatest SILs ever! They know how much I adore my nephews and all the adorable, naughty and jus plan hilarious things each of the boys does. So they each send me pictures, texts with stories or call me to tell me all about what it is like raising a Crawford boys. I couldn't love these boys any more than I already do. I keep telling telling them that they should start a collaborative blog about all the fantastic shenanigans that happen on a daily basis. So until then, I will share the amazing pictures and stories that they share with me! Here is the first installment:

This last post was my SIL's response to me telling her that she should start her own blog!!! I love her!

Random Rant & Ramblings-January 2014

So I'm kind of a random person. If I see something, read something or hear something that invokes an emotion I feel compelled to takes a pic of it, write a response to it or remember the song. Well this song is definitely one of those times. This song just speaks to me.