Wednesday, December 12, 2012

And These Are The Best Years Of Our Lives...Find Joy In The Journey!

      At the end of every year people look back and remember all the good things that happened over the past year. Most of us also assess what we could've done differently. That is usually when we start to formulate our New Year's Resolutions. Which let's face it, no one ever keeps...LOL

So this year, instead of a New Year's Resolution that I probably won't keep, I decided to create my very first annual yearly Bucket List.  I decided that 2013 was a great time to start this tradition because as of Dec. 23, 2012 @ 3:03 pm I will say goodbye to my 20s forever and will set out on a brand new adventure as a enter 2013 as a 30 year old. I want to make the best of this amazing time in my life, so I have compiling this Bucket list for the past few months. Now, I may add to this list from time to time as life happens or as I cross things off, but here is my list as it stands today: In no particular order of importance...BAHAHAHA

1. Do some DIY or Craft Project at least every month.

2. As of Jan. 1st-I will keep a jar (or some awesome container that has yet to be chosen-stay tuned LOL) as the year progresses I will fill it with awesome photos/notes/trinkets to remind myself at the end of the year how much stuff has happened!

3. Do a wine tasting.-I have always wanted to do this!!!!

4. Prepare a disaster kit.-With the ever changing world, it never hurts to have a plan!

5. Throw or help plan a Pinterest Party.-Jules?!

6. Grow my hair out long...AGAIN.

7. Keep a minimum balance in my bank account at all times-Amount TBD

8. No call-ins at work for all of 2013-This will be a challenge...HeeHee

9. Give Clean Eating a shot!

10. Blog a minimum of 1-2 Xs per week.

11. Do a 52 Week Photography Challenge-I am putting the finishing touches on the list now!

12. Read 1 new book per month.

13. Take a Bestie Vacation/Trip!

14. Get together with each brother alone every 3 months.

15. Babysit for Steve/Tiff every month.

16. Have a 1 on 1 girls night with each lady: Julie, Mom, Steph, Toby, Marci, Tiff & Katie every 3 months.

17. Work at least 1 extra 12 hour shift every month.

18. Learn about essential oils.

19. Get my arm tattoo done.

20. Document and blog as I cross things off "MY 2013 BUCKET LIST"

Wish Me luck!

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Plunge!

 I try to post to my blog regularly. But sometimes that is not possible. I seem to post when there is a change happening or a pivotal moment in my life. Those are the times I find myself in need of telling a story with my words. Well this is one of those moments. I am in the midst of  the biggest career changes since I became a nurse. Those of you that know me personally know that I have always worked at OSF Saint Antony Medical Center in Rockford, IL. I have also only worked in Neuro/Trauma/Burn ICU. Now don't let my lack of changing jobs/depts fool you. I have gained sooooo much knowledge and experience there in the last 7 years. For most of my career there was never a dull moment on that unit. I worked with some of the smartest and most experienced RNs out there. Not to mention those doctors that actually took the time and chose to take me under their wing and teach me. I am definitely a much better and far more experienced nurse than when I came out of nursing school...Obviously! LOL

But for those of you that are near and dear to my heart, I will give you a bit of background. I grew up in Elgin, IL since I was 9. It is the place I consider my hometown. Now, I have always wanted to be a nurse. All my life that is what I told everybody that asked me "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" So, when it was time to select a college I looked into local schools like NIU. I also looked across the country like ASU (jus cuz most kids do, trying to get as far away from their parents as they can-LOL) My big brother was already a student and a star football player at Rockford College. It was on a whim that I applied there thinking that it would be cool to go to school with him! I checked into their nursing program, and it turned out to be really good. I got accepted and so that is where I went! Fast forward 2 years, I needed a flexible part time job, and my mom told me the only job I was allowed to take was one in healthcare. I applied at the closest hospital to campus...Good ol OSF. I worked on the Medical/Oncology unit for my remaining 2 years in school.

I got to see and experience so many different types of nursing when I was in college. But it was not until my final semester that I had one specific type of nursing speak directly to my soul. I took a job as a tech in the ER at OSF. It was freakin' amazing!!! I loved it. But the crushing news came down from management that because this ER is a Level I. This means it provides the highest level of surgical care to trauma patients. It has a full range of specialists and equipment available 24 hours a day. Not to mention that it is a certified chest pain and stroke center. So in short "NO NEW GRADS ALLOWED!" I was told to apply for a residency (6 month intense orientation w/ an experienced RN) in the ICU and get 1 year of experience, and then come back. Well folks...that is almost exactly what I did. All except coming back in a year. After spending my residency and my first year as a nurse in the Neuro/Trauma/Burn ICU I was in love with my job! I loved it do much that I put my dream of being an ER nurse on hold, a looooong 7 year hiatus.

But I have been thinking alot about my life and my career lately. After 7 years in the ICU I have been felling a bit burnt out for a while now. Because of this I began to reevaluate what I want my career to be. I want to share my gift with the world in the best way I can. And of course my heart took me back to my first dream in nursing...ER!!! The time I spent in the ICU has given me an amazing platform to launch me into a new an exciting way to help people. 

So after much soul searching and cold feet/chickening out about a year ago (LOL don't ask) , I am taking the plunge!!! I have decided to not only leave my unit, but I am taking on an even bigger and definitely very scary challenge. I will be starting at a new hospital! Look out Sherman Hospital, cuz here I come! I am completely excited about my choice and I think this opportunity will challenge me in many new ways!

I am ready to help those that are in need. The reason I love the way an ER helps people is simple. It allows me to feel like I am really helping those in need and saving a few lives too. I want to show my skills to all those that need help, not just the ones with insurance. I need a much more selfless way to do the work that God put me here to do. And with this amazing opportunity...I CAN!

I have always loved the thought of being a member of an ER team. Because regardless of race or social class u get the same care. And I love that. It becomes about the patient, not a money making machine. We are the first people that a person/family sees when they need help. I want to be a part of that!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Boo Me...Bad Bad Superhero...

Ok, string me up, take away my my blog, and smack my lack of blogging hands. I am the worst blog mommy ever!!! I know I know...But I swear I've had quite a few life altering changes happening in my life...I promise that I will be back to my old blog happy self in no time. So until then, here is a lil taste of what I've been up to...
I'm building a new in home photo studio, because I am moving!!!

Shooting newborns is always on my list!

Here he is with his awesome kids!

I met an amazing guy! So we are building a life/family together!

I had an amazing opportunity to shoot for my oldest brother and his growing family! Photography is a HUGE part of my life!

My photography is taking on new forms and I am loving every second of it!

I also got to spend a few days a week with this sweet lil angel! I am blessed to have the opportunity to babysit while the nephews are infants!

Tattoos have taken place this summer too!!! It was amazing!

An end and a rebirth to a better life!

And of course my life would not be complete without time with my bestie!!!

I'm revamping my branding and taking my art to a whole new place!!!
So as you can see from this small sampling of the tons a things my life has been filled with, I am not jus a lazy blog ignoring bum. I will be blogging a lot more now that I have a stable internet connection and my life is becoming a bit more chill! Stay tuned y'all!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Scars, Flaws, & Reflection...

Personal reflection is a huge part of my personal journey. I take some time each and every day to look back at my life, enjoy the good times and learn from the bad. And unlike some people who choose to reflect, I am not bitter or upset. My life and all the people who have come and gone as well as all the experiences, good and bad have brought me to the place I am now. Sometimes it wasn't easy, but I like who I am, and I love the changes that continue to mold me into a better person. So for all of this I am thankful.  It's made me the person I am. I wouldn't be the me I am now without all the SCARS. So how could I be upset about that? I feel like I own each and every choice I have made. I make no apologies for who I am. Now don't get it twisted...I have an innate ability to apologize when necessary, but I do not and will not apologize for the person you see before you. I am who I am and that is OK!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

God Made Everyone Right-Handed, The Truly Gifted Overcome It!

There have been tons of studies done on hand dominance. Scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes a person to use one hand vs the other, but research points to a complex collaboration between genes and environment. While no exact set of “Lefty Genes” have been discovered, there is a genetic component that determines right versus Left-Hand dominance, and it’s called the LRRTM1 gene. People with this gene are more likely to be lefties. And researchers have found different brain wirings in Righties vs. Lefties.

So, obviously it's no secret that I am left handed. And if it was, well the cat is outta the bag now right?! LOL I am VERY VERY left handed. I can do almost nothing with my right hand alone. It is basically my left hand's bitch. It jus assists my DOMINANT hand with every tasks. It's only job in life is to make my left hand's job easier. Any other lefties feel this way?! My whole life I've found it to be jus a smidge more difficult to do things in a right handed world. There’s no denying it. Left-handers are the odd men out. Sure, lefties make up only 10% of the population — but, frankly, it seems like society has forgotten about them. Right-handed gadgets, awkwardly designed desks, cooking tools that only fit comfortably in your right hand (now that’s just wrong!). Not to mention that there has always been social stigmas and/or myths attached to being a left hand dominant person...aka "Lefty" or "SouthPaw." So all you Lefties, SouthPaw lovin' Righties, and Ambidextrous folks out there...It’s time to brush up on your left-handed knowledge and help put an end to lefty discrimination once and for all!!!

Allow me to elaborate-
People used to think that we as "Lefties" were more likely to have dyslexia as well as other learning disabilities, schizophrenia, and a stutter. Some doctors believed that left-handed people were more likely to struggle with breast cancer, allergies, and asthma or become alcoholics.
But thank God those myths were disproved. It seems though that some personality traits among left-handed people hold true.

-The speech centers of right-handers and most left-handers are in the left brain. The left brain focuses on syntax and order, while the right brain monitors context and emotions.

Lefty Personality Traits:
  • Leadership. About 66% of American presidents in the last 30 years were left-handed men. Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Fold were all left-handed presidents. Barack Obama and John McCain are both left-handed.
  • Quick thinkers. Studies have shown that lefties are “exceptional.” Australian research shows that left-handed people think more quickly when playing computer games or sports. Left-handed people also tend to earn more money.
  • Sexuality. Research from Canada reveals this interesting quality of left-handed people: they’re more likely to be homosexual
  • Independence: Some experts believe left-handed people are more independent because they’ve had to get along in a world that’s not made for them. Dr Peters says that lefties are “slightly more resistant to social pressures, to have more of an independent streak.”
  • Adaptability: Canadian research shows that left-handed people are more adaptable than right-handed people. That is, a lefty can use her right hand to do tasks much easier than a righty can use his hand. Left-handed people seem to be able to switch over more easily.
Generally, SouthPaws are thought to be more flexible, highly intelligent, and more resilient than right-handed people. We are better at divergent thinking, a method of idea generation that explores many possible solutions. People who use their left hands tend to be more affected by fear than people who use their right hands. Mixed-handed people are more likely to alter their beliefs as they get new information, making them better able to see both sides of the story.
  • Left-handed people can see more easily underwater, and also usually excel in sports such as swimming, fencing and tennis.
  • Pioneers in our society are often left-handed, including four out of five designers of the original Macintosh, one of four Apollo astronauts, and countless leaders from Ronald Reagan to King George IV of England.
  • Left-handed folks have an advantage when it comes to fist fights. Nobody knows exactly why, but perhaps because that first swing from an unexpected hand makes all the difference!
Being left-handed is something to be proud of because it provides you with a unique skill set and traits that most people do not possess.

 Mark your calendar — August 13 is International Left-Hander’s Day.