Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life Commentary From The EveryDay SuperHero-December 17, 2013

First thought of the day-Well that's jus major conflict wrapped in drama and dunked in “karma's a beeyoch” sauce.

1400-Let It Go… 3 of the most difficult words to live by.'s been almost 9 yrs. It was bound to happen sooner or later. #damnit #supernurseproblems

2200-Gosh...The more I think about the whirlwind of the last few weeks, and its culmination today...I AM humbled. I am truly a very blessed woman. #Godisverygood #UhavingmybacksolidifieswhoIam #thx

2345-OMG it feels sooo amazing to be writing again. I have missed it terribly. Blog=Revived! 

2014 Bucket List

I never make New Year's Resolutions. I do however make a list of things I would like to accomplish or change about myself and my life. I try really hard in my life to better myself and to always learn and grow. So here is what my 2014 Bucket List contains so far:

1. No call in at work for the year.

2. I really want to turn blogging into a daily occurrence. So I plan to start using this blog to share the everyday musings and commentary I have on life.-Lucky you! LOL

3. Weekly manicures done by ME!

4. Every 3-4 months I would like to do individual girls nights with Both my SILs, my mommy, Steph.

5. Weekly bestie days with Julie.

6. Visit somewhere I've never been every 3-4 months.

7. Read a new book every month.

8. Learn at least 3 new skills ie sewing, painting etc.

9. Work 1 extra shift/month.

10 Do at least 1 conceptual photoshoot/month.

The Noise Of Life

My Only Hope is That My Words May Cut Through All The Noise Of Life And Reach Someone...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Life I Have

I consider myself very lucky in my life. I have some amazing things and people that make my life wonderful. I try very hard to keep a positive attitude, and believe me, it's hard at times. With every day brings new adventures challenges and set backs. All of my life experiences have made the person I am today, so I like to view my past as a good thing. I like the person I have become and that would not have been possible without all the good, the bad and the ugly that make up my past.

The newest adventure in life is my new job. Now I thought I had seen a lot as a Neuro Trauma ICU RN. But let me tell you, working in an ER has opened my eyes to so many things I either never knew were happening...or maybe I jus chose to live in a happy little sheltered bubble, and be naive to the crazy world around me...LOL I get to step in to the lives, even for a brief time of the pts I care for. Their lives and experiences have opened my eyes significantly over the past year. Many of the things I have seen on the job have made me so thankful for the life I have. I see so many situations that remind me to stop and smell the roses once in a while. Sometimes I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind that I forget to take a look around at all the blessings in my life. In 2014 I plan to try harder to appreciate all of the good things about my life.

How Do You Measure A Year?!

Technically speaking:How do you measure a year?
12 months.
365 Days.
8760 Hours.
525,600 Minutes. 
31,536,000 Seconds.

Well I can tell you over this past 12 months I have truly been shown how to measure a year. I measure it in apologies, restored trust and hope, fresh starts, forgiveness,  reaffirmed faith, amends made, reassurances, old hopes/dreams remembered and restablished, new commitments, bonds renewed,  unconditional love reassured and sooo much more. You can never go wrong when you are measuring time in days of sobriety.