Friday, April 27, 2012

Choice, Chance, Change...

I found this image a few months ago as I was trolling Pinterest. I saved it thinking it just might be useful or speak to me in the future sometime. I didn't realize at the time how powerful these words would be. Back in September/October I wrote 2 very emotional and personal blogs. They touched on a subject that I never thought would be a part of my life...Domestic Violence. And here I am less than a year later still reeling from the emotional toll this whole experience has had on me. I must admit that I can't ask for any sympathy this time due to the fact that I made the same mistake that sooo many women in situations such as mine make. I allowed the man that had caused me so much pain in the past with his abuse, to talk his way back into my life and my heart. I know what everyone is thinking...Stupid right?! Yea, it turned out to be one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life. I let him charm me into thinking that everything from the past was, well, the past, and that we were going to forge a new relationship and be partners this time. Oh boy was that wrong! Everything was AMAZING for a few months. He was everything I wanted in a significant other and I was thrilled! I actually fell head over heels in love with him all over again, and I truly believed that it was gonna be different this time. But then everything started to fall apart...just like it had every other time before that, Big surprise right?! He became worse than I even remembered.

So, of course I began to question my decision to give the relationship another shot. I hated myself for ever thinking that it could be different or that he was ever gonna change. And now I found myself back in a very bad situation. A situation that I swore I would never ever be again. But this time it was worse than last year because at least at that time, I was living with my parents, so I had a safe place to go home to. He and I were living together, and in essence I was more trapped than I had been before, and I was unhappier than I had ever been in my life. I couldn't even lean on my family because I had been hiding EVERYTHING from them for a very long time. I was suffering in silence. So, I woke up every day with one goal in find a way out of the mess I had created for my life. I knew I was the only one who could dig myself out of the hole I had created. He was not going to leave our apartment or my life peacefully. He made that very clear. And I was unsure if I had the strength to put up the amount of fight that it was gonna take to rid my life of all the poison I allowed him to bring in to it.

Like the image at the top of this post says, "You must make a CHOICE, to take a CHANCE, or your life will never CHANGE." So when the opportunity for me to finally make the right decision for once presented itself, I took a leap of faith...I ended the relationship. I found strength inside myself that I was unaware was even there. Now, I can happily say that it was, by far the best decision I have ever made. It was remarkably easy to walk away and not look back. It just goes to show you when you FINALLY reach your breaking point, ENOUGH Is Really ENOUGH!!! Now don't get me wrong, I still mull over the last 6 years. I think alot about the past. But doing this makes the future seem so bright for me. It took all of this to show me how strong I really am, exactly what I want and don't want in a relationship and a partner, and that the life I've always wanted is waiting for me! I can honestly say that I am thankful for all the experiences in my life. They have served to teach me lessons that would otherwise never be learned.

This experience has taught me sooo much about life, love and most importantly, about myself. I am now happier than I have been in a very long time. Since that fateful day, the last day I saw or talked to him I have begun mending the relationships that were fractured by my toxic relationship with the lying/deception that came from hiding my pain from the people who really care about me. I am a very lucky girl to have such an amazing and understanding support system. My family is unlike any other. And my friends are amazing. Everyone has forgiven my shortcomings and allowed me to be imperfect. It's amazing that we can pick right up where we left off! I am also forging new, healthy relationships with a renewed sense of who I am and what I want out of life. I guess I should be jaded, or harbor some sort of resentment or anger about the whole thing, but...I don't. I think my new outlook has allowed the healing to happen much faster than I ever thought it could. In the end, faith brought me the strength to see that I had a choice. I made a choice, took a chance and made a change, and my life will forever be changed for that reason.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday The 13th!

I have always been a bit superstitious, so today being Friday the 13th made me not want to get out of bed. On days such as this, I never want to find out exactly what the universe has in store for me because lets face it, the universe has had it in for me. Or so I thought...

This Friday the 13th was very different. One of my best friends has a B-Day that jus happened to fall on a day I wish didn't exist. But I love the heck outta her, so I sucked it up and just went with it. I bought cupcakes and a gift and set out for good ol Davis Junction to celebrate my homegirl's birthday. But once again the universe surprises the HELL outta me and today turned out to be one of the best Friday the 13ths EVER!!!

This particular friend and I have a bit of a history of bad times/fights. We have definitely put our friendship to the test. And I am ecstatic to say that we passed with flying colors!!! The amazing thing about our friendship is that we can always come back together and our bond is strengthened by the drama we have endured! I thank God for bringing her into my life. Despite the ending of my relationship with her big brother which is the whole reason we are such close friends in the first place, we decided to continue to forge ahead and remain friends. It has definitely not been easy for either one of us at certain times, but our kindred spirits have never allowed us to stay angry at each other and end our friendship. She and I have a once in a lifetime friendship, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I write this to make sure she knows how glad I am that she and I were able to work through the difficult times, and we came out soooo much stronger as friends and as people on the other side. I am a better person because I know her!!! So I guess my outlook on Friday the 13th is changing!

Happy B-Day girl!!!

And here is a few pics from our amazing B-Day fun-filled day!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Yup, It's OK...# 8

1. To only buying magazines for the pretty pictures.

2. To not get cable television to shamelessly save money.

3. To do things that make you happy and harm no one, regardless of whether people think it's lame.

4. To live, laugh, and love with reckless abandon.

5. To secretly wish the man in your life would pull a Top Gun on you and break out into song in a public place!

6. To be really bad with any surprise in life and badger until you ruin them all!!!

7. To create the most outragious and creative cursing to yell at others when you are playing X-Box live!!!-"You son of a cock gobbling fuck nugget!" LOL

8. To stay up until 2 am doing totally random and meaningless stuff and sleep in until noon. Yay for being an adult without kids.

9. To argue that Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs tastes the best out of any of the shapes.

10. To wonder why everyone in Rockford, IL drives at least 10 mph under the posted speed limit. Uggghhh.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Music's Debut Here On "Rants..."

Well HELLO There My Friends!

I bet you thought I had dropped off of the face of the blogosphere. I have some really good reasons for my absence here on my beloved blog. There has been an abundance of life changing things happening over the last month. But never fear...Juli is here!!! LOL

So, the inspiration for this blog comes from a big part of  my life that has yet to make an appearance on "Rants Of The EveryDay Super Hero..." For some unknown reason MUSIC has yet to come up in topic here. But alas, that changes today. Music is not something I talk about alot, but it is a big part of me. It is a very personal and even spiritual thing for me. But whenever anything is going on in my life, good or bad I have always turned to music. And this time in my life is no exception.I love love love music. It is like therapy to my life!

Here is the song that still helps me get through anything...

 This song touches my soul. It is the new anthem for my life...

And one more just for kicks! This amazing song speaks to the new beginning I am forging in my life!

This post is my preface to my next blog topic, so stay tuned for "Choice Chance Change!"