The last few months have brought many life altering experiences for me. I have felt emotions from both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. So there are certain times throughout each day that I reflect on the things that have happened in my life and how I am a changed person because of it all. And as I mull over how my life and the lives of all of us are changed by our past experiences I start to realize how others in your life can change your path and psyche. Whether the effect is good or bad. It is inevitable that the words and actions of others can have a profound effect on not only our lives but the way we see the world and ourselves in it. I have a bad habit of allowing my mood and choices to be affected by others. And after all the drama over the last few weeks I am just now starting to step back and reflect on the people around me and my reaction to their words and actions. There are people in my life that are a very calming and positive influence and they enhance my life. These are the people that I must cherish and nurture my relationships with.
But then of course I end up thinking about all the people that have had a negative influence on me.

As I think about all the negativity that certain people have brought into my life I am sad. Last night I started exploring all the toxic
people that I have surrounded myself with lately and came to this conclusion-"Well of course you feel this way when you allow those negative people to influence your mind and your life decisions!!!"
After my "breakthrough" I was drawn to a bit of old school first aid. In any first aid class that includes wilderness training you are given poisonous snake info. If someone was ever bitten by a snake we were taught to suck the poison out. And I thought to myself how appropriate that little piece of advice really is. I think it applies here too. When you surround yourself with "SNAKES" eventually you will get bitten. The events of the last month have proven that "SNAKES" are everywhere and you must protect yourself. So as of today I am ridding my life of all of them. And in order to heal and move forward on my journey toward inner peace and happiness I GOTTA SUCK THE POISON OUT! And that is exactly what I have been doing. Metaphorically I have been sucking all the "POISON" out of my life. It has been a very cleansing and amazing experience. I am no longer allowing toxic people to have any affect on my life or have a forum to derail me from what I am trying to accomplish. And to anyone that has not figured out who the "SNAKES" are in your life, BEWARE!!!

They are not always obviously "poisonous." The worst "SNAKES" in my life were the ones that snuck up on me. They were in the form of people that I thought cared about me and had my best interest in mind. But it turns out, they were the worst kind of people...They pretended to care in order to gain my trust, and then when I was vulnerable...They struck...

And "bit" me, multiple times. But now that I recognize this, I am changed. And this scenario will never happen to me again!!!
So, Goodbye SNAKES!!! And see ya later POISON. Consider yourself sucked!-LOL
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